This week has been a busy one at Patricia's Yarns as we host our first ever Kids Knitting Camp. The camp session will end tomorrow but I think these girls have been bitten by the knitting bug and their new hobby will continue for some time. The tell tale sign.... lists of future projects and barely the ability to prevent themselves from starting today.
The girls started by making their own knitting bags which they drew on and some covered in puffy paint.

Knitting was the next task at hand and for some it was a review, for others a completely new experience but a very fun time for all.
Over the 5 days we made knitting bags, dyed yarn and learned many new knitting skills. The amount of skills learned varied but everyone learned something new each day. Below are photo's of the camp and the various stages of it.

Above: Balling yarn
Below: A scarf in the making

Above: Pulling wet dyed yarn out of its jar
Below: Balling dry dyed yarn by hand

Below: Making Gods Eyes

Here are the wonderful campers with their fearless camp leader!

We had a great time and we can't wait to do it again next year!